Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Traditional and Complementary Medicine

It is all of the knowledge, skills and practices used for the maintenance of health, such as preventing physical and mental diseases, diagnosing and treating diseases based on the beliefs and theories of different cultures.

It is a method that has scientific basis and is applied as a complement to modern medicine in order to maintain the balance between the general energy, autonomic and hormonal systems of the person and to strengthen the immune system.

The patient's history is taken by the responsible physician, their examination is performed and all necessary examinations are made and their condition is evaluated.

After the evaluation, the appropriate traditional and complementary medicine application is selected and the treatment is applied. Traditional and Complementary Medicine Centers in Turkey are organized in accordance with the criteria determined by the Ministry of Health, hygienic and modern.

Treatments within the scope of Traditional and Complementary Medicine:

  • Acupuncture
  • Leech Application
  • Mesotherapy
  • Cup Application
  • Phytotherapy Application
  • Reflexology Practice
  • Homeopathy Practice
  • Osteopathy Practice
  • Ozone Application
  • Apitherapy
  • Prolotherapy Application
  • Music Therapy Practice

Medical Services


It is a treatment method applied by inserting gold, silver and steel needles into certain points in order to prevent or treat diseases that have been applied in the world for 5000 years. Today, the World Health Organization has accepted acupuncture as a reliable treatment method. It is also applied by certified physicians in our country.

Apart from the needle, acupressure, moxa, laser and electrical stimulation can be applied to the points. The stimuli that start with the insertion of the acupuncture needle into the acupuncture point reach the central nervous system and a response occurs with the release of various neurotransmitters. It has analgesic, sedative, immune-boosting, body-balancing and psychological effects. It also has the effect of reducing appetite and regulating metabolism on slimming. 70-80% of the points are similar to the trigger points known as gripes. 

Although acupuncture can be applied to the ear and body area, needle sizes vary according to the area to be applied. The length of the needles is between 0.5–8 cm. Their thickness varies between 0.16 and 0.5 mm. Needles are generally disposable. It contributes to the treatment of the origin of many diseases. Musculoskeletal pain, neurological diseases (migraine, facial paralysis), psychiatric diseases (depression, insomnia, anxiety disorder), hormonal disorders (infertility, goiter, diabetes), gastrointestinal diseases (constipation, diarrhea, colitis, gastritis), respiratory diseases It is indicated in diseases such as (pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis), obesity, etc.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone is the triatomic (O3) form of the Oxygen (O2) molecule, which is necessary for us at every moment of our lives to maintain our lives. Ozone, which is formed as a result of various natural events from the oxygen in the air in nature, can be produced with the help of special devices that perform electrical activation for medical use. Since the oxygen concentration in the atmospheric air is variable, medical ozone is produced from pure medical oxygen. Ozone was first discovered and used by the Germans 40 years ago in medical treatment.

Ozone has the feature of stimulating the production of white blood cells, increasing the elasticity of red blood cells, anti-neoplastic, oxidizing arterial plaque, increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood and antioxidant. It is used in arterial circulation problems, immunodeficiency and immune imbalances, viral diseases (especially hepatitis C), inflammatory conditions, rheumatic diseases, skin diseases (pressure ulcers, wounds, diabetic gangrene, burns, acne) and joint degeneration.

“Ozone application; pregnancy, glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (favism), severe anemia, severe myasthenia and ozone allergy.

The patient's venous vein is entered with a sterile needle and some blood is taken into the ozone tube. Then it is mixed with ozone gas to a certain extent depending on the patient and the disease. The ozonized blood is given back to the patient through the vein in a closed and sterile environment. This is called “Major Ozone” application. 2-4 cc of blood is taken from the patient's vein, mixed with pure medical ozone and reinjected into the patient intramuscularly. This is called "Minor Ozone". Apart from this, local applications (intrarectal, intra-articular, on the wound) can also be performed. Ozonation can also be done with bagging in diabetic foot wounds.


Prolotherapy is an injection method consisting of the Latin words "proliferation" and "therapy", which provides regeneration, strengthens and increases functionality of damaged, worn, weakened ligaments and tendons. Prolotherapy has been practiced in the USA since the 1930s. 

Prolotherapy is a treatment method based on natural healing by injecting irritant and proliferative substances into painful and injured joints, tendons, ligaments, enthesis areas, and the physiological inflammation it creates there. Inflammation caused by microorganisms results in infection and needs to be treated with antibiotics. 

Inflammation created by prolotherapy, on the other hand, is sterile and in a limited area, but constitutes the main logic of the treatment. In disc lesions seen in the spine for various reasons; It is applied effectively and safely in the strains of tissues such as ligaments, tendons and muscles, especially in the elbow, hand, knee and foot joints, and in various painful musculoskeletal diseases due to calcification. Major diseases; mechanical pain in the waist, back and neck, disc lesions (hernia), sports injuries, osteoarthritis (calcification), meniscus lesions in the knee, foot plantar fasciitis, ankle sprain, lateral or medial epicondylitis in the elbow, tendinopathy, ligament and tendon strains.

Cupping Therapy - Hijama

The cup practice, which is thought to have a history of 5000 years, was frequently applied in Islam and the Ottoman period. Cupping therapy is a treatment method applied on the skin through the vacuum effect created by cups. 

While dry cupping is based on stimulating the skin simply by vacuuming, wet cupping therapy (hijama) involves absorbing some blood by cupping through epidermal incisions made on the skin with a dry surgical blade. The negative pressure created by the cupping application improves the microcirculation by expanding the local blood vessels, improves the healing of capillary endothelial cells, accelerates the granulation and angiogenesis in the relevant region and normalizes the functional status of the patient. In addition to local theory, gate control theory, neural theory, hematological and immune system theories are also available. It has also been found to be effective in musculoskeletal diseases (myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, spondylosis), hematological diseases (high hemoglobin, iron overload), cardiovascular diseases (hypertension), neurological diseases (migraine), autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis), dermatological diseases (urticaria), gastrointestinal diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, constipation), respiratory system diseases (asthma), and some psychiatric disorders (depression, as a sedative in schizophrenia, insomnia).


French Dr. Michel Pistor named the intradermal injections with local anesthetic in 1952 as mesotherapy. It is the intradermal injection of herbal or pharmacological drugs aimed at the healing of organ pathologies originating from the mesoderm, in small doses, with special needles and special techniques. In mesotherapy, the same drugs given orally are used in small amounts. It is preferred that the drugs themselves are effective, not the metabolites that pass through the liver. The content of the solution may vary according to the area to be treated, the patient and the disease, and is personal. The effect of needle sticking and the pharmacodynamic effect of drugs create pain relief and immune response. Mesotherapy is the best way to deliver the drug to the target organ, which is the pathology.

The drug, which reaches the capillary ends in the middle layer of the skin, shows its effect quickly. Treatment can be applied by adding related drugs in locomotor, vascular, neurovegetative and immune system pathologies. Although it has many indications, the main indication is pain. Apart from this, it can be used in sports injuries (tendon, muscle and connective tissue), dermatological diseases (baldness, acne, cellulite), circulatory system pathologies (varicose, arthritis) and locomotor system pathologies.