
Sleeve Gastrectomy

Between airport-hotel-hospital transfers, Interpreter and consultancy service, 5 Days accommodation in 5-star hotel, Travel health insurance, Pre-operative necessary tests, Pre-operative anesthesia examination and general anesthesia to be applied in surgery, 1-2 Daily hospital stay, Sleeve gastrectomy surgery, Postoperative dietitian examination and program,  all inclusive gastric sleeve turkey package cost 2800 GBP Your satisfaction is guaranteed in our private bariatric surgery centers...

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Hair Transplantation

Your satisfaction is guaranteed at affordable prices. Contact us and let us plan your medical journey. Airport-hotel-hospital transfer, interpreter and consultancy service, 5 days accommodation in a 5-star hotel, private travel health insurance, interpreter and consultancy service, pre-operative examination, hair transplantation procedure, all for only 1900 euro Your satisfaction is guaranteed in our private hair transplant centers with experienced, fully equipped, professional medical sta...

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Nose Job - Rhinoplasty

Your satisfaction is guaranteed at affordable prices. Contact us and let us plan your medical journey. Airport-hotel-hospital transfer, Translator and Consultancy Service, 5 days accommodation in a 5-star hotel, Private travel health insurance, Pre-operative tests, Pre-operative anesthesia examination and general anesthesia to be applied during surgery, 1-2 Days Hospital Stay (= Sufficient Number of Days), Rhinoplasty Surgery all for only 2700 euro Your satisfaction is guaranteed in our VI...

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