Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve) Turkey Details, Cost and Recovery

Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve) Turkey Details, Cost and Recovery

What is Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric sleeve surgery is the surgical process of turning the stomachs shape into a tube. When the digestive system is examined, it is seen that almost all organs of this system are tubular. The esophagus, the intestines, these are all organs in the form of elongated tubes. The stomach, which is an exception in this system, is not in the form of a tube, but in the form of a sac so that it can take more food and create storage. Gastric sleeve surgery is performed to remove a large part of the stomach and turn it into a system that continues as the continuation of the esophagus and the intestines. No foreign object like a tube or anything other is placed in the stomach. Since the shape of the stomach after the surgery is similar to the shape of a tube, it is called sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

The only effect of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is not to reduce the volume of the stomach. While the stomach is shaped into a tube by shrinking it, gastric sleeve also has a serious effect on the hunger hormone secreted from the stomach. After sleeve gastrectomy the desire for food decreases, the brain feels less hungry. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery creates not only a mechanical effect but also a hormonal effect.

What is Gastric Sleeve?

Am I Eligible for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is primarily a treatment for morbid obesity. Many diseases that accompany morbid obesity, including type 2 diabetes, benefit greatly from gastric sleeve surgery. However, the success of bypass group surgeries is higher in cases where the main target is not obesity but type 2 diabetes.

In addition, gastric sleeve surgery can be used as a transition surgery in patients with severe obesity. Gastric sleeve surgery can also be used to prepare severely obese patients for bypass group surgeries.

How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?

Gastric sleeve surgery is an operation performed under general anesthesia.

Gastric sleeve surgery is almost always performed with closed (laparoscopic ) methods. Depending on the surgeons experience and the patients condition, gastric sleeve can be done from a single hole or through 4-5 holes. Since the holes are very small, it does not cause problems in the future in terms of aesthetics.

In order not to make a mistake during the operation and not to make the stomach too small, a calibration tube is placed at the entrance of stomach, equal to the diameter of the esophagus. With the help of this calibration tube, the stomach is reduced as if it is a continuation of the esophagus, and excessive stenosis and obstruction are prevented.

After taking precautions regarding vascularization and bleeding, the stomach is cut with special cutting and closing tools (staple).
After the procedure is finished, the calibration tube placed at the beginning of the surgery is removed.
During the operation, one or more different techniques are used to test whether there is a leak or not. Similar tests can be performed after surgery.

How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?

For Which Patients Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Suitable?

Gastric sleeve surgery is the most preferred method among surgical techniques applied for morbidly obese patients today. Although it is not as effective as the classical metabolic surgery or gastric bypass surgery group, positive results are also obtained in correcting Type 2 diabetes.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not recommended for obese patients with uncontrolled diabetes or severe reflux problems. If diabetes is the target rather than obesity, it is possible to say that there are more effective methods. There is a chance to transform sleeve gastrectomy surgery into other surgical techniques in the future. With a second surgery, it is an easier way to convert sleeve gastrectomy to metabolic surgery techniques such as gastric bypass or Duodenal Switch.

Things to Consider Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Before sleeve gastrectomy surgery, patients go through extensive tests. It is evaluated whether there are problems such as gastric ulcer and heart disease that may prevent sleeve gastrectomy surgery. If these kind of problems are present, first of all, the problems that prevent surgery are eliminated and the patient is made suitable for surgery. Sometimes these treatments applied before surgery to fix these problems can last for months. In addition, dietitians also check the patient and evaluate whether he is suitable for surgery. The important thing is that the patient having the bariatric surgery without any problems.

The patient is usually hospitalized on the day of surgery. After the operation, the hospital stay is 2-3 days.

A special diet program for 10-15 days can be applied before the operation in patients with very serious weight problems and especially in patients with extreme fat around liver. This special diet program is aimed to make the surgery safer by shrinking the liver so that your surgeon can operate more easily.

Is There an Age Limit for Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

Is There an Age Limit for Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

In general, obesity surgery, including tube stomach surgery, is not recommended before the age of 18. However, in very rare cases; Surgery can be considered in children who cannot lose enough weight despite being under the supervision of a child psychiatrist, nutritionist, endocrine and child development specialist for a long time, who cross the limits of serious obesity and who may experience serious metabolic problems in the early period. However, this is a very small portion of total patients.

Except for this exceptional situation, sleeve gastrectomy and other obesity surgeries are not performed before the age of 18.

Although the upper limit is considered to be 65 years of age according to classical knowledge, sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be performed at older ages in patients who are in good general condition, can handle the surgical procedure, and have a long life expectancy.

What is the appropriate weight range for sleeve gastrectomy surgery?

It is a more appropriate way to calculate based on body mass index (BMI) rather than excess weight when deciding on the surgical procedure for bariatric surgeries, including gastric sleeve. Body mass index of the patient equals the weight of patient in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. If the number at the end of this calculation is between 18-25, the body mass index is considered normal. People with a BMI of 25-30 are not considered obese, this group is called overweight. However, people with a body mass index of 30 and above are considered obese. Not all patients who are called obese may be suitable for sleeve gastrectomy or other bariatric surgeries. Patients with a body mass index of 35 and above and who experience the diseases brought about by obesity are suitable for gastric sleeve surgery. Patients with a body mass index of 40 and above are eligible for surgery even if they do not have any discomfort.

Uncontrolled diabetes is the exception in these calculations. If the patient's diabetes cannot be controlled despite all diet and medical treatment attempts, patient is suitable for metabolic surgery even if the patient's body mass index is between 30-35.

How is Weight Loss Achieved in Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

In gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach is made into a tube like the continuation of the esophagus and its volume is reduced. In addition to the reduction in the volume of the stomach, the secretion of Ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone, is also significantly reduced. Both the reduction of the stomach in volume and less secretion of the hunger hormone affect the appetite. Patients who have a decreased appetite, feel full quickly and need less nutrition should be informed about proper nutrition before and after surgery. Since patients are feeling full with very little food, these foods should be of high quality, rich in protein, mineral and vitamin content.

How is Weight Loss Achieved in Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

For Which Patient Group Is Tube Stomach Surgery Not Appropriate?

Gastric sleeve surgery (in fact, all obesity and metabolic surgeries) is not suitable for patients who have diseases such as active heart disease, cancer and advanced lung failure. In addition, patients who do not have a certain level of consciousness should not have such surgeries. Such surgeries are not recommended for patients who do not know their own well-being and whose level of consciousness is low (due to congenital or acquired diseases). Patients with advanced reflux and patients who do not accept post-operative nutrition rules are also not suitable for sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

What are the Advantages of Tube Stomach Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

The advantages of sleeve gastrectomy surgery are evaluated in two separate groups.

Advantages compared to not having surgery

No drug use, diet or sports method gives as successful results in the treatment of obesity as bariatric surgery. In these patients, the results of surgeries performed with sleeve gastrectomy or other obesity surgery techniques always give better results than other methods.

Advantages over other surgical methods

The efficiency of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is higher when compared to methods such as gastric band applied in the name of obesity surgery. With the development of sleeve gastrectomy and other obesity surgery methods, clamps and similar older treatment methods are rarely applied today. Gastric sleeve surgery does not disrupt the normal course of food passage during feeding. In other words, food proceeds in the order of the esophagus, stomach and intestines as in normal people. In this respect, it is a more suitable surgical method for the natural functioning of the human anatomy and digestive system. Surgical technique is an easy and short-term operation. It is a surgical method that can be performed quickly, has a short anesthesia duration and therefore has less complication rates that may be related to anesthesia. It is the most applied obesity surgery technique in the world.

What are the Advantages of Tube Stomach Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

What are the Risks of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

Risks of having gastric sleeve gastrectomy can be grouped under 3 main headings.

Risks of obese patients undergoing surgery
There are risks such as heart problems, lung related problems, embolism, collapse of the lung, kidney failure or muscle destruction in the surgeries of obese patients. These risks apply not only to sleeve gastrectomy but also to all surgical procedures performed on an obese individual.

Complications of general surgery
There are risks that can be experienced in all patients in all surgical procedures. Every patient who undergoes surgery is faced with risks such as bleeding or infection. The same risks apply to patients who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery, albeit at low rates.

The risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery:
•    After gastric sleeve surgery, there may be an advanced stage reflux problem.
•    The stomach, which is placed in the form of a tube, can expand.
•    Depending on the enlargement of the stomach, weight can be regained.
•    There may be problems such as difficulty in emptying the stomach and swelling in the patient's abdomen, nausea or vomiting.
•    The most feared risk in the early stage is the leakage problem.
•    There is a risk of stomach bleeding or bleeding in the abdomen.

Gastric Sleeve Complications

Gastric sleeve complications are such that they can directly affect the stomach and reduce the quality of life of the person.

Hernia; One of these risks is tube stomach hernia. At this risk, the new stomach, which is arranged as a tube stomach, may progress towards the rib cage over time.

Reflux; 30% of patients who have gastric sleeve surgery have reflux (heartburn).

Bile; Gallstones are seen in 10% of patients. Insufficient fluid consumption, rapid weight loss and genetics affect the formation of gallstones.

Anemia: Due to iron deficiency, anemia may occur that requires intravenous iron replacement. 

Gastric Sleeve Complications

Early Sleeve Gastrectomy Complications in the First 2 Weeks

Common complications after sleeve gastrectomy in the first 2 weeks include staple line leaks, blood clots, and wound site infections.

Staple line leaks are internal leaks that occur in the staple line where the process is performed.

Blood clots are formed due to lack of movement. With the body that has been inactive for a long time, blood flow is disturbed and coagulation is observed.

The wound created during the surgery can also become infected by being affected by external factors.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Long Term Complications

Gastric sleeve complications can lead to nutritional deficiencies in long-term conditions. After the shrinking stomach and intestine, the amount of eating decreases.

In addition, not all vitamins and important enzymes can be absorbed in the intestines. Thus, significant deficiencies may occur in the person's body. Situations such as sudden weight loss and adequate fluid intake also affect the formation of gallstones after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Reflux is another common stomach problem.

Rates of Sleeve Gastrectomy Complications
Rates of sleeve gastrectomy complications varies according to the complication.
•    Leakage, which is one of the most dangerous complications, is seen in 2%.
•    Coagulation problems seen at a rate of 1%.
•    Complications related to external and internal factors such as bleeding occur at a rate of 2%.
•    Long-term gallstone complication is 3%.
•    Gastric tube stenosis 2.3%
•    Shrinkage is seen at a rate of 2.4%.

Sagging Skin After Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sagging of skin can be seen after the sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This is usually due to rapid weight loss in a short time.

The skin first sags and creates an appearance that the person does not want. After that, problems may occur due to friction. There are different surgical methods to remove the sagging skin. In addition, exercise will give good results in this regard.

Note: After the operation, sagging does not occur in 90% of the patients who perform sports. 

Signs and Symptoms of Complications After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Signs and Symptoms of Complications After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The signs and symptoms of complications after sleeve gastrectomy are as follows;

Staple line leaks: Symptoms of staple line leaks are fever, increased heart rate, and breathing problems. Sometimes, the frequency of breathing or a change compared to normal breathing are also counted as symptoms. In addition to these, if you feel dizzy, you should definitely suspect a leak and consult your doctor.

Blood clot formation: The most obvious symptom of blood clot formation is pain, loss of sensation and swelling. In addition, redness in area is expected. In the following periods, paralysis and pale color are added to the symptoms. In particular, you should avoid smoking and move as much as possible after the surgery.

Stenosis: The symptoms that occur in case of stenosis in the stomach are nausea and vomiting. In addition, swallowing difficulties and food intolerance will occur. These symptoms occur especially immediately after eating.

Wound site infection: In case of infection in the wound area, fever, dizziness and redness at the incision site occur. In addition, rapid breathing and increased heart rate are observed. Heat can also be actually felt at the incision site. Sometimes itching can also be felt. It is easy to treat, a doctor must be consulted before the infection progresses.

What are the Symptoms of Leakage After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

 The symptoms of leakage in sleeve gastrectomy surgery are usually abdominal pain and fever.

What is Leak Treatment After Sleeve Gastrectomy?

In cases where leakage occurs after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the treatment is not always surgical. In some cases, endoscopic methods can be extremely successful. Sometimes, the leakage problem can be resolved by radiological methods.

How Long Does Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Take?

Gastric sleeve surgery usually takes between 30 - 90 minutes (an average of one hour). This period may vary depending on the anatomy of the patient and the experience of surgeon. It is important to perform the surgery in the most ideal way.

When can a person who has gastric sleeve surgery return to his social life?

The hospital stay after the operation is between 2-3 days. Patients who have a successful operation and feel good can return to their work life 5 days after the operation, according to their preferences. In fact, if the patient wishes, he can go out at night with his friends and spend time at the cinema or similar places. However, it is very important to follow the post-operative nutritional rules in this process.

Does the Stomach Enlarge After Tube Stomach Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

Does the Stomach Enlarge After Tube Stomach Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

After sleeve gastrectomy, some enlargement in the stomach is natural. However, too much growth in the volume of the stomach can cause the weight to be regained. There is no need for the stomach to return to its former volume in order for the patient to return to his old weight. Failure to comply with the correct nutrition rules and not regulating the lifestyle after sleeve gastrectomy surgery paves the way for the growth of the stomach. The most important nutritional mistake is the consumption of carbonated drinks and the consumption of solid and liquid foods at the same time.

Is It Inconvenient to Lift Weights After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

There is no harm in lifting heavy weights in the long term after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgeries. However, it is not recommended for the patient to lift very heavy weights in the first days of the surgery. Even in the early period, there is no problem in the patient's normal daily activities such as carrying a bag and going up and down the stairs.

When Can I Start Sports After Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

 According to patients body structure, co-morbidities, age and sports habits, patient can return to active sports life after about 1-1.5 months. There is no lifelong restriction in sports. It is not recommended to do heavy sports only in the early postoperative period. 

If sports will be performed after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, it can be done by setting some rules on the recommendation of a sports instructor and physical therapist.

How should sexual intercourse be after gastric sleeve surgery?

The patient can return to his normal sexual life 1 week after sleeve gastrectomy.

Sleeve Gastrectomy (tube stomach surgery) in Turkey

How Should You Feed After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Nutrition and lifestyle changes are the two most important factors after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.
There are rules to be considered in nutrition after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

•    Carbonated bubble drinks are prohibited for life.
•    Feeding with fluids is required for the first 10-14 days after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.
•    Liquid and solid foods should not be consumed at the same time in the diet.
•    Generally speaking, this small amount should consist of high-quality foods, as the patient can eat a very small amount after sleeve gastrectomy. Foods high in animal or vegetable protein are recommended. Protein-rich foods such as                   chicken, fish, turkey eggs, cheese and yogurt should be prioritized.
•    Salads, fruits and nuts consisting of vegetables and greens should not be neglected in the diet.
•    A specialist dietitian and, if necessary, an endocrinologist should definitely control the diet.
•    If there is an incompatibility with the nutritional function, psychological support can be obtained if necessary. 
•    In cases where nutrition is insufficient, the need for mineral, protein and vitamins supplements may arise.
•    After sleeve gastrectomy operations, vitamin B-12 may not be adequately absorbed when swallowed in pill form. This problem can also be experienced in vitamin B-12 taken from foods. In this case, the B-12 supplement can be used as a           sublingual pill and spray, or as an injection.

What is the Differences Between Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass?

In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach volume is reduced as in sleeve gastrectomy surgery. However, in Gastric Bypass surgery, the stomach is divided into two and a part that is divided is connected to the middle of the intestine. With this surgical procedure, food does not pass through the 12 finger intestines. In sleeve gastrectomy, there is no change in the progress of food in the digestive system.

Successful results are obtained in both sleeve gastrectomy surgery and gastric bypass surgery for weight loss. However, gastric bypass surgery is more effective for Type 2 diabetes. Gastric bypass operations give more satisfactory results in patients with gastric reflux problems.

What is the Differences Between Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass?

Is There Any Scarring After Tube Stomach Surgery?

In sleeve gastrectomy surgeries, the closed laparoscopic method is generally used. The number of holes used in laparoscopic surgery may vary depending on the patient's condition. Each hole is 1-1.5 cm. around and the holes are closed with aesthetic methods. A very small scar may remain after sleeve gastrectomy, but these scars do not cause aesthetic problems.

Is Constipation Experienced After Tube Stomach Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

Whether constipation is experienced after sleeve gastrectomy surgery is related to nutrition. If the patient pays attention to his diet after the operation, constipation is not experienced. Constipation can be seen in patients who do not pay attention to their diet, do not drink enough water and do not take enough fiber food.

Does Hair Loss Occur After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Although rare, hair loss may occur after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. However, this is due to the inadequacy of substances that can nourish the hair. The most important reason is protein deficiency. In addition to protein deficiency; Deficiency of B vitamins, folic acid, iron and zinc can also lead to hair loss. In case of hair loss, the patient's blood values should be checked and the missing one should be replaced.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey

Will Weight Gain Again After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

It is possible to gain weight again after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Moreover, weight gain is reported a lot among patients who disrupt their postoperative follow-up and do not accept their new life order. The human body wants to protect itself. One of the things your body wants to protect itself from is death by starvation. Obesity disease arises because of this natural reflex. Our brain wants our body stores to be full. These deposits are also usually fat. When the body is given a large amount of energy to store, that is, when it is fed with too many calories, weight gain is experienced. Nutrition after sleeve gastrectomy is very important in this regard. If you stay away from foods such as chocolate, ice cream, which occupy less volume and contain a lot of energy, and follow the nutritional rules, weight gain is not experienced.

How Many Weights Are Expected to Lose in a Month After Tube Stomach Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)?

The weight lost after sleeve gastrectomy surgery varies according to the patient. There is no target in the form of weight to be lost per month. The weight lost by a female patient weighing 90 kg and a male patient weighing 220 kg at the same time is different.

Is There Any Chill After Tube Stomach Surgery?

With the loss of weight, the decrease in the fat tissues under the skin can weaken the insulation system of the body. In this case, you can feel cold. Chills can be experienced not only in cold months, but also in hot months. However, this is temporary. When the body adapts to its new weight after a certain period of time, the feeling of cold disappears.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey

Gastric sleeve in Turkey, one of the examples of bariatric surgery, is the most performed operation in Turkey and has most successful results. The procedure of gastric sleeve surgery performed in Turkey is performed using the same techniques as gastric sleeve surgeries in America, United Kingdom or anywhere in the world. Turkey makes large investments in the field of medical tourism, and due to these investments, the materials used in the surgeries and the quality of the service provided by the doctors are constantly inspected and protected by certain regulations.

Turkey is home to many world-renowned surgeons who introduced new techniques to the medical world in bariatric surgery and sleeve gastrectomy. Innovacare brings thousands of foreign patients together with successful doctors for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey.

Gastric Sleeve Cost Turkey vs Gastric Sleeve Cost in UK

There are several factors that determine the cost of sleeve gastrectomy surgery. It is important to choose a well-equipped hospital for complications that may occur after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, and the expenses of these hospitals are naturally higher. In addition, the quality of the material used affects the cost of sleeve gastrectomy surgery. The length of stay in the hospital and intensive care unit after the operation is also among the factors affecting the cost of sleeve gastrectomy surgery. The cost of gastric sleeve surgery may vary for patients who need to be kept under control in the intensive care unit.

Gastric sleeve cost in UK is around 7000-11000 pounds. This gastric sleeve price in UK is very higher compared to gastric sleeve cost in Turkey. Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey costs %70 less compared to gastric sleeve cost in UK. You can save thousands of pounds while having the same treatment at a europe certified hospital with leading surgeons in their field.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Cost Turkey

A considerable number of international medical tourists travel to Turkey every year to undergo gastric sleeve surgery because the country offers many attractive benefits. These include:

Sleeve Gastrectomy Cost Turkey

•    Internationally accredited hospitals and experienced surgeons – one of the main reasons why Turkey is very popular among those who want to undergo gastric sleeve surgery is its high number of internationally accredited hospitals. There are over 30 Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospitals in Turkey, and many of them offer gastric sleeve surgery. With international accreditations, patients can be sure to receive the highest level of care. These hospitals also boast the most advanced technology and techniques for gastric sleeve surgery, as well as top-notch services so patients can feel comfortable before, during, and after their surgery. In addition, the surgeons are highly experienced and skilled. Some of the surgeons have over 20 years of experience and more than 5,000 successful gastric surgeries. Many people who had gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey leave positive reviews about their hospital and the results they get.

•    More affordable gastric sleeve cost Turkey – in general, gastric sleeve surgery cost in Turkey can be 70% cheaper than in most Western countries. This means you can get slim in Turkey with lower prices than what you have to pay in your home country. For example, the price of gastric sleeve in the United States ranges from 8,500 USD to 30,500 USD, while gastric sleeve cost in Turkey can start from as low as 3,900 USD. The price of gastric sleeve in Turkey is often all-inclusive and may include 3 to 4 nights hospital stay, post-operation physician and dietitian support, post-operation medication, transport, and accommodation in 4 5-star hotels. The best thing is, you don’t have to sacrifice the quality of gastric sleeve surgery here. Those who try gastric sleeve to get slim in Turkey always leave good reviews.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Package in Turkey With VIP Transfers and Accommodation

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Package in Turkey with Innovacare offers VIP Transfers and Accommodation at 5 star hotels. After you create your appointment we will arrange your transfers and hotel. We will welcome you at the airport when you arrive and will transfer you to the airport on the day of your flight home.

Turkey Gastric Sleeve Package Includes
  • 1-2 Nights of Hospital Stay
  • 4-5 Nights of 5 star Hotel Stay
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery
  • VIP Transfers between airport-hotel-hospital
  • 24 hours suppor&contact during your stay
  • Follow-up services after you leave Turkey

21/08/2022 16:01
doctors and nurses were very good