There are various treatments available for erection problems, for example erection pills, a vacuum pump or injections. If these treatments do not provide a solution and psychosocial problems are not the cause the erection problems, a penile prosthesis should be considered.
To be eligible for a penile prosthesis, the erection must have completely disappeared.
The above treatments must have been tried before penile prosthesis surgery, because when placing a penile prosthesis the good erectile tissue still present there will be destroyed. Placing a penile prosthesis is irreversible. After placement, a spontaneous erection will not occur again, even if the prosthesis is removed. A penile prosthesis goes about 15 years.
Who is penile prosthesis suitable for?
A penile prosthesis is typically used when there is a clear medical cause for the ED and when the problem is unlikely to be resolved or improved naturally or with other medical treatments. Sometimes a penile prosthesis is implanted during a surgical procedure to reconstruct the penis when scarring has caused curved erections (Peyronie's disease) or to treat severe cases of recurrent, prolonged erections (priapism).
You may be a candidate for penile prosthesis ( penoid surgery ) surgery if:
- You have persistent erectile disfunction that affects your sex life
- You've tried drugs like sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil (Stendra). These drugs produce an erection suitable for sexual intercourse in up to 70 percent of men after taking them
- You have tried a penis pump (a vacuum constriction device).
- You have a medical condition such as B. Peyronie's disease, which is unlikely to improve with other treatments
- ED is due to emotional problems
- You have no sexual desire or feeling
- you have a urinary tract infection
- You have inflammation, lesions, or other problems with the skin of your penis or scrotum

How does the penile prosthesis work?
The inflatable penile prosthesis or glans injury treatment consists of two connected cylinders - a reservoir and a pump - that are surgically inserted into the body. The two cylinders are inserted into the penis and connected to a separate saline reservoir by tubing. The reservoir is implanted under the rectus muscles in the lower abdomen. A pump is also connected to the erectile tissue system and sits under the loose skin of the scrotum between the testicles.
Because of the three different components, this penile prosthesis is called a 3-piece inflatable penile prosthesis. A two-piece inflatable penile prosthesis consists of only two components;
- the attached cylinders and
- the combined reservoir and pump unit
The reservoir is not placed behind the groin, but together with the pump forms a housing unit that fits comfortably in the scrotum. The advantage of a two-piece prosthesis is that the operation is shorter and less complicated and there are no pieces of equipment in the abdomen. The disadvantage of the two-piece prosthesis is that the smaller reservoir may not result in a sufficient erection in some men.
Penis Prosthesis Types
There are different types of penile prostheses. The urologist will discuss with you which type of prosthesis is preferred in your situation. There are three types of penile prosthetics: semi-rigid prostheses, inflatable prostheses and self-contained prostheses.
- With semi-rigid prostheses, a silicone-coated, flexible metal rod is implanted to provide rigidity during intercourse. These implants can be bent into different positions (outwards for sex or backwards towards the body to be hidden under clothing).
- In the case of inflatable genital implants in men, two soft silicone or plastic tubes are implanted in the penis, a small reservoir in the abdomen and a small pump in the scrotum. The patient creates an erection with this prosthesis by squeezing the pump in the scrotum to force sterile fluid from the abdominal reservoir into the tubes. The liquid is fed back into the reservoir through a valve to end the erection.
- Self-contained inflatable implants consist of a pair of inflatable tubes that are inserted into the penis, with a pump attached to the end of the implant and a reservoir located in the shaft of the penis.

General advantages of a penile prosthesis
• Getting an erection when desired.
• The erection can be maintained indefinitely.
• No drugs or injections are required.
• A penile prosthesis is invisible.
• The prosthesis has no influence on ejaculation or orgasm.
General disadvantages of a penile prosthesis
• A natural erection is no longer possible.
• In the event of an infection, the implant must be removed.
• The penis may become shorter and/or curved.
• The operation can be painful.
• The implant may break.
Before Penile Prosthetics Surgery
Proper anesthesia during surgery is important. A penile prosthesis always takes place under general anesthesia. During the pre-operative consultation you can discuss the anesthetic with the anesthetist in preparation for the operation.
The anesthetist will tell you from what time before the operation you are no longer allowed to eat and drink. You may only drink a sip of water. We also recommend that you do not consume alcohol or smoke for 24 hours before your admission. Your skin must be clean before the operation. We request that before you go to the hospital shower or bathe, cut your nails short and do not use cream. During the day of surgery remome contact lenses, piercings or jewelry. You can bring your glasses with you.
The anesthetist will tell you during the pre-operative consultation which medicines you are allowed to take and which you should stop temporarily.

Day of Penile Prosthetics Surgery
At the hospital, you report to the reception desk on the agreed day and time nursing ward. A nurse will show you your room and bed. She carries it with you
recording interview and further prepare for the operation. She also answers possible questions from you.
You will have to wait some time between arrival at the ward and the operation. We try to keep this time as short as possible. You could read or watch television. We ask you not to leave the department.
Penile Prosthetics Surgery Procedure
During the penile prosthetics surgery, a cut is made between the base of the penis and the scrotum. Initially both cavernous bodies are opened and the sponge tissue of the cavernous bodies are removed . This explains why, as a rule, after placing a penile prosthesis can no longer have spontaneous erections. Since patients with a penile prosthesis often have erection problems for a longer period of time, it is so that the cavernous bodies have slowly shrunk over time. As a result, usually the length of the erect penis with a prosthesis will be smaller than the length your penis in the past (when you did not have erection problems).
The reservoir is placed under the muscle or next to the bladder. There is space in the scrotum made for the control pump. All parts are connected to each other and a test run performed for verification. At the end of the operation, the penis is brought to full erection to press styptic within the cavernous bodies. The operation takes about 2 hours.
After Penile Prosthetics Surgery
After penile prosthetics surgery, you will have an IV in your arm to administer fluids and antibiotics. Also you will have a urinary catheter for the drainage of urine and a drain (tube) for the drainage of wound fluid. In the nursing ward, the nurse checks regularly your blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. You will be given medicine for the pain. If you feel well and are not nauseous, you will be given something to drink and eat.
If all goes well, you can go home the day after surgery. Before you go home, the catheter, infusion and wound drain are removed.
When Should You Contact The Hospital?
In the following cases, please contact the Urology outpatient clinic:
• In the event of bleeding or wound leakage;
• With a high fever (more than 38.5 °C);
• In case of unusual or persistent pain;
• In case of redness around the wound;
• In case of swelling of the wound area;
• In case of urination problems;
• If pus comes out of the urethra or glans.
Healing Advices After Penile Prosthesis Surgery
• For the first 24 hours when you get home, wear tight underpants to decrease the amount of the swelling and bruising. Carry the penis upwards. After this 24
hours you can wear normal underwear.
• You are not allowed to take a bath for the first 7 days after the operation, because it can affect the wound healing.
• Rest as much as possible for the first 3 days.
• In case of pain you may use paracetamol 500 mg tablets, maximum 4 times a day 2 tablets.
• After 3 days you can gradually start exercising. Take the pain into account stop when you feel it. However, keep moving carefully for the first 6 weeks.
• Avoid sitting on very hard surfaces.
• Sports, cycling and lifting heavy objects is absolutely forbidden in the first 8 weeks after surgery.
• During the first outpatient check-up, discuss when you can start exercising again.
• When you can go back to work depends on the work you are doing. You can ask your doctor about this during the first outpatient check-up.
Control Appointment After Penile Prosthetics Surgery
After about 14 days you will have an appointment for a check-up at the Urology outpatient clinic. If you have penis prosthesis with a pump, you will also receive instructions from the urologist on how to operate the prosthesis.
Frequently Asked Questions About Penile Prosthetics
How long does a penile prosthesis last?
According to penile implant experience, penile implants last between 15 and 20 years for most men. It's important to remember that a penile prosthetic is a mechanical device that can be damaged. However, this is uncommon and can be corrected with another brief surgical procedure. Injuries to the cavernous bodies require anesthesia and cavernous body injury therapy afterwards.
Is the penile prosthesis noticeable?
Men who have had penile prosthesis surgery can see the small surgical scar where it meets the scrotum on the underside of the penis, or in the lower abdomen just above the penis. Other people probably can't tell that a man has an inflatable penile prosthesis.
Penile Prosthesis Cost in Turkey
The cost of the penile prosthesis in Europe is around 11,000 euros. Penile prosthesis prices are %70 cheaper in Turkey compared to Europe and Usa.

Can I have an orgasm with a penile implant?
You should be able to have an orgasm with a penile implant if you were able to have an orgasm before the procedure. Talk to your doctor about the expected result.
Will I lose length after a penile implant?
Each penile implant is individually adapted to your anatomy. Discuss this with your doctor in detail if you want to buy a testicular prosthesis.
Will I be able to have spontaneous erections with a penile prosthesis?
Penile implants allow you to have an instant and spontaneous erection whenever you want it. However, implant surgery makes it impossible to ever have a "latent" or natural erection that is not dependent on the prosthesis. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether an implant is the right choice for you.
Will anyone notice that I have an implant?
The implant is fully placed in your body. The inflatable penis implant cannot be seen or felt. The penis appears relaxed and normal when flaccid, and it is not obvious that you have an implant.