Breast Lift Turkey Prices, Details and Recovery

Breast Lift Turkey Prices, Details and Recovery

Breast Lift Turkey

Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, causing the breasts to feel softer and saggy. In addition to age, weak connective tissue, weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding can also cause breasts to lose volume.

While sagging breasts do not cause any physical problems or pain, they can be a psychological burden for some women. If you suffer from sagging breasts, a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is an option. In this procedure, the breasts are lifted and reshaped.

An important prerequisite for a breast lift operation is that the patient's breasts are fully developed and that the body growth is complete. As long as a young woman is still growing, an intervention is not possible.

Breast-tightening surgery should also be carefully considered before pregnancy, as it cannot always be guaranteed that breastfeeding will still be possible after mastopexy. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should wait a few months for the tissue to return to normal before breast lift surgery. You should therefore always discuss your further child planning with the plastic surgeon before an operation. The same applies to the plan to lose weight. A strong decrease after the procedure could affect the result.

As soon as you have decided to have your breast lift, the doctor will give you more information on how you can best prepare yourself. It is particularly important that you stop taking painkillers containing acetylsalicylic acid two weeks before an operation. These have a blood-thinning effect, which promotes secondary bleeding.

Breast lift Methods

Breast lift Methods

There are different surgical methods to tighten breasts. In all variants, the doctors remove excess skin and move the nipple upwards, usually together with the nerves and blood vessels. As a result, the sensitivity of the nipples is more often preserved than in the so-called "free transplantation", in which the nipples are transplanted without blood flow. The interventions also have in common that they are mostly performed on an inpatient basis, i.e. with a stay in hospital and under general anesthesia. A breast lift takes about two and a half to four hours.

Which technique is suitable for a patient depends on the physical conditions and the desired result. These are the most important techniques at a glance:

Without visible scars: the periareolar tightening

If the breasts sag a little or have become a little emptier after breastfeeding, a periareolar lift is an option. The surgeon makes a circular incision around the nipple and removes a strip of excess skin, also in a circular fashion. Due to the round incision, this technique is also called O-cut. The incisions are then sewn up with fine thread.

The periareolar tightening is particularly scar-free. There is only a round wound around the areola. In contrast to other methods, it does not require vertical or horizontal scars, but it also achieves the slightest tightening. Therefore, the O-cut is only suitable for small breasts if the excess skin is not too large.

Without visible scars: the periareolar tightening

Few small scars: the i-cut according to Lejour

If a stronger tightening effect is to be achieved, not only the nipple has to be relocated, but the entire breast has to be lifted. This requires an additional cut: With the so-called Lejour method, a cut is first made around the nipple, then from the deepest point of the areola, perpendicular to the inframammary fold. Along this vertical incision, the excess skin is gathered with a special seam. This creates an initially quite noticeable, ruffled scar that only smoothes out after a few months. The final result can be seen about six months after the operation.

In order to be able to do without a vertical scar in the future, there is research into a still young surgical method: the 3D breast lift. Small, endoscopic accesses are placed around the nipple, through which surgery can be carried out with a small device. Because of the tiny entrances, this is also called keyhole surgery. The breast tissue is attached at a higher level through the holes. This lifts the chest, but does not fill in missing volume. This is only possible in connection with a breast augmentation.

The 3D breast lift is currently only offered in a few clinics - ask your surgeon about it.

Strongest tightening: the T-cut Breast Lift

The so-called T-cut has the greatest tightening effect. With this surgical method, as with the Lejour method, the surgeon cuts around the wart and vertically down to the inframammary fold. From there, another horizontal cut is made. This is either only in e in one direction (L-cut) or in both directions (T-cut). This creates another scar under the breasts.

The T-cut is suitable for large breasts with a lot of excess skin. The advantage of this technique: the result of the reshaping is already visible shortly after the operation.

Which procedures can be combined with a breast lift?

Which procedures can be combined with a breast lift?

A mastopexy breast lift in Turkey can be performed alone or in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures. For example, a breast lift with a breast augmentation with an implant or autologous fat is possible.

Simultaneously reducing the size of the breasts or using a special sewing technique known as an “inner bra” are also options. With this technique, the breast is lifted not only by the tightened skin, but also by a sewn-in support: A strip of skin that has already been removed is sewn under the glandular and fatty tissue of the breast during the operation. The breast tissue lies on this strip, like in a hammock, and in this way does not sink back down so quickly. The "inner bra" stabilizes and prevents renewed sinking, which promises a particularly long-lasting result.

However, a combination of several interventions also entails more risks. Therefore, discuss your wishes with your treating surgeon. He knows your body condition and can explain the advantages and disadvantages of a combined operation.

Alternative Methods to Breast Lift

Not every woman is willing to undergo surgery for a firmer breast. Therefore, the demand for treatments that do not require general anesthesia, scars and hospital stays is increasing.

Alternative Methods to Breast Lift

An alternative to surgery is a breast lift using a thread lift. Thread lifting is an umbrella term for different techniques - there is no such thing as a typical thread lift. What the methods have in common is that threads are inserted into the skin with a needle to lift the sunken tissue. This is done, for example, using threads with tiny barbs. These are anchored in the fatty tissue of the skin with a fine needle. If you now gently pull on the thread ends that protrude from the skin, the tissue is tightened.

Thread lifts are usually performed on an outpatient basis, using only local anesthesia. However, there is no reliable data to date that would confirm the durability of the method.

Another alternative to surgery is a radio frequency breast lift. This treatment aims to stimulate the body's own collagen production with radio frequency waves. But: If there is significant excess skin, this is more of a supportive measure on the way to firm breasts than a real alternative to surgery.

Healing Process After Breast Lift in Turkey

Immediately after the operation, the breast is tense and painful. To relieve the pain, doctors give the patient a painkiller.

If wound drains have been placed, they usually remain in the body for one, sometimes a few days before they are removed. Drainages are thin tubes bodily fluids such as blood or secretions are drained from the wounds. At the latest after the wound drains have been removed and a first pressure bandage has been removed, the patient is given a special support bra that keeps the breast in shape but does not press on the wounds. This medical bra is part of the aftercare and is initially worn around the clock, including at night while sleeping. It supports the healing process so that the patient can usually leave the hospital after three days.

Breast Lift in Turkey

Work and Sport After Breast Lift

Patients can return to work within a month of mastopexy, provided the work is not physically demanding. Because in the first six weeks after the operation, the chest area must not be stressed. You may only move your upper arms carefully, do not stretch or stretch them quickly - so no sport during this time either. Housework such as window cleaning or ironing has also been eliminated and you should not carry any heavy objects.

Scars After a Breast Lift

Immediately after a tightening operation, the scars are still raised and red, before becoming more and more inconspicuous over time. This healing process can take up to two years. To make the scars flatter, paler and softer, you should apply nourishing creams and protect the scars from the sun for the first six months.

If your scars don't heal properly or you are bothered by the sight, you can speak to your doctor about a year after the operation about scar correction. This is usually performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia.

Breast Lift Prices Turkey

Breast Lift Prices Turkey

The average cost of a breast lift mastopexy in Europe is between 5,000 and 8,000 euros. This price consists of the fee for the surgeon and his assistant, for the anesthesia and the hospital stay, including material costs and use of the operating room. The costs for a non-surgical breast lift in EU, such as a thread lift, are lower and start at around 1,400 euros.

Health insurance companies only cover the costs in exceptional cases, such as in the case of massive congenital deformations or after cancer surgery.

Risks of Breast Lift

Complications such as bleeding, infection and bruising can occur with any surgical procedure. Serious consequences such as thrombosis, embolism or dying tissue are also possible, but they are rare with breast lifts.

It is more common for the patient's nipples to hurt and feel numb after the operation because fine skin nerves have been severed. Sensitivity usually returns after a few months. However, there is no guarantee that the feeling will return. Especially when large amounts of glandular tissue have to be removed, the risk of permanent numbness increases.

In addition, breast lift surgeries entail special risks: the ability to breastfeed can be impaired or lost entirely. For this reason, an intervention is often only recommended once the planning for children has been completed.

Another risk group are smokers: Since nicotine impairs blood circulation, wounds heal more slowly. After a breast lift, this can lead to parts of the skin and nipple dying off. Nicotine, also in the form of chewing gum and patches, should therefore be reduced to a minimum in the first three weeks after the operation. Better not to smoke at all!

Breast Lift for Men

Breast Lift for Men

Men's breasts can also sag. This often happens when a man has lost a lot of weight. The skin sags and neither a healthy diet nor exercise help to get it back in shape. As with women, this is not a problem that causes pain but can lead to psychological distress.

There are many different methods of tightening or reducing a man's breasts: Therefore, your surgeon will first examine you and ask you what result you hope to achieve from a breast lift. Only then can he discuss with you whether excess skin needs to be removed, fat sucked out or male mammary glands need to be removed during an operation. The combination of several interventions is also possible. Depending on the extent of the procedure, the duration of treatment, the course of the operation, the costs and the healing process of a breast lift in men are very individual. For more information about breast reduction you can click here and read our gynecomastia male breast reduction article.

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