Blepharoplasty Upper Lower Eyelid Surgery Turkey Prices, Procedure, Recovery

Blepharoplasty Upper Lower Eyelid Surgery Turkey Prices, Procedure, Recovery

A person's age often makes itself felt particularly early and clearly in the eyes: the eyelid droops, the eyes appear small, the look tired. This is mainly because the skin there is thinner than anywhere else on the body. When the tissue on the upper and lower eyelids sags, wrinkles appear and the fatty tissue in the orbits pushes forward, some people perceive their appearance as old and worn. An eyelid lift promises to remedy the situation and have a rejuvenating and refreshing effect on the radiance of the face without interfering too much with the overall appearance.

An upper eyelid lift can remove hanging upper eyelids - so-called drooping eyelids - while doctors primarily remove tear sacs with a lower eyelid lift. Eyelid correction blepharoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures. There are different methods of eyelid lifting : surgical procedures and those that do not require a scalpel.

Eyelid lift without surgery

The rejuvenating and refreshing effects of an eyelid lift, but please without surgery - is that possible? Various procedures have been established for both upper and lower eyelid lifts that do not require surgery. What they have in common is that on the one hand they are “more gentle” than surgical intervention, but on the other hand they have a shorter-lasting and more superficial effect . However, they can be a real alternative to surgery, especially when wrinkles are starting to form.

Eyelid tightening with the plasma pen 

During an eyelid tightening with the plasma pen , the skin is tightened through the selective, controlled application of heat. The plasma pen is a device that converts the surrounding air, thereby creating a point source of heat, a tiny "plasma cloud". Plasma is a physical, atomic-molecular mixture of particles consisting of charged components, ions and electrons. These hit the skin at points and detach it superficially. The treatment with the plasma pen produces tiny injuries on the skin surface, but these do not hurt, as the affected areas of the skin are locally anesthetized with an anesthetic cream beforehand.

The skin contracts in the treated areas, "skin shrinkage" is achieved without cuts. The deeper layers of tissue are not touched during this procedure, so that the skin heals without scarring. The transferred plasma stimulates the natural healing process, which should result in further tightening as the wound heals.

Important information about the procedure:
  • The eyelid lift with the plasma pen is particularly suitable for removing slightly pronounced drooping eyelids without surgery.
  • The eyelid correction takes about 30 minutes to an hour .
  • If necessary, it can be repeated after a few weeks.

Eyelid tightening with the plasma pen

Eyelid tightening with hyaluronic acid 

Another non-surgical method of eyelid tightening is wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid. It is often performed in addition to surgical eyelid lifting to further reduce wrinkles around the eye. Hyaluron is a natural substance that also occurs in the body itself. It is a powerful biological moisturizer that, thanks to its water-binding properties, is good at filling up wrinkles.

The hyaluronic acid is injected into the area under the eyes with a blunt cannula. The treatment is comparatively painless and anesthesia is not necessary. In particular, smaller depressions can be improved by filling up the volume.

Important information about the procedure:
  • In the case of extensive excess skin, a hyaluronic acid injection alone is not sufficient.
  • The result lasts up to a year .
  • Follow-up treatments can be carried out.

Eyelid tightening with laser 

In a laser eyelid lift, the uppermost layer of skin is removed with a strongly focused beam of light. This simulates a healing process that leads to the regrowth of new, firmer skin . The wavelength of the laser – usually a CO2 laser – is chosen so that it has a high absorption rate for water. As a result, the highly water-containing skin cells vaporize explosively. On the other hand, the laser also works in deeper skin layers. The warming causes the collagen fibers that are stretched due to age to shrink, and inflammation-like processes are triggered that stimulate the formation of new collagen and elastin.

Important information about the procedure:
  • The procedure takes about 15 to 30 minutes and is usually performed on an outpatient basis. A healing phase of about two weeks should be allowed for .
  • A slight reddening of the skin may persist for up to six months after treatment.
  • The laser method is particularly suitable for correcting droopy eyelids.

Eyelid tightening with home remedies 

In addition to these non-surgical methods of eyelid tightening, there are a number of home remedies that also promise an effect - of course, a rather small one. For example, cold compresses or the application of ice cubes can relieve swollen eyelids . Fresh cucumber slices placed over the eyes for 15 to 30 minutes draw excess water from the eyelids, leaving them looking fresher. Exercising the facial muscles can also have an effect : To do this, close your eyes and place a finger under the upper eyelid. Then try to open your eyes while raising your eyebrows. This exercise can be done daily for about a minute.

Eyelid tightening with home remedies

Eyelid lift with Blepharoplasty Surgery

If tear sacs or drooping eyelids are pronounced, only surgical removal can usually really help. Eyelid corrections (medically called blepharoplasty) have a long tradition in aesthetic plastic surgery and are among the most frequently performed procedures. Methods and techniques of cosmetic surgery have been continuously optimized and refined in recent years.

Eyelid Tightening on the Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

The upper eyelid lift blepharoplasty operation corrects drooping upper eyelids, the so-called drooping eyelids. Depending on the indication, the drooping eyelid operation is possible with or without fat tissue reduction.

In the variant with fat tissue reduction, the surgeon opens the wafer-thin membrane that separates the eyeball from the fat tissue inside the orbit, lifts the excess fat droplets and carefully separates them with an electric knife or a laser scalpel.

If the upper eyelid lift is performed without an accumulation of fat , the surgeon removes the excess skin along the fold of the eyelid with a crescent-shaped incision, thereby tightening the upper eyelid. In order to achieve a natural and lasting result, a strip of muscle and connective tissue is usually also removed. In both types of operation, the scar is placed in the natural crease of the eyelid and the seam is sunk into the skin so that as little as possible is later visible.

Eyelid Tightening on the Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

The operation of the lower eyelid lift blepharoplasty is operationally more complex and complex than the upper eyelid lift. Depending on the findings, a corrective action can be taken through an incision in the edge of the lid or from the conjunctiva. If there is excess skin, the lifting of the lower eyelid is similar to the lifting of the upper eyelid. The surgeon removes the excess skin along the lower edge of the eyelid as well as a strip of muscle and connective tissue, thereby tightening the eyelid. Here, too, the wound is closed in the natural crease of the eyelid, where the suture is submerged inconspicuously.

Eyelid Tightening on the Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

The eyelid lift is one of the uncomplicated cosmetic surgical procedures, it is usually performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia . In addition, a so-called twilight sleep can be administered. Some patients also choose to have anesthesia . The operation takes 30 to 45 minutes per eyelid . After about two hours of rest , the patients can go home. Socially acceptable again after one to two weeks. The eyelid correction promises to turn back time by around ten years. However, the natural aging process continues even after the eyelid correction. The treatment can be repeated after ten or 15 years if necessary .

How To Choose a Clinic For Blepharoplasty in Turkey?

The competence and skill of the treating surgeon have a significant influence on a good result. Therefore, when deciding which doctor should perform the eyelid lift, high quality criteria must be applied. These are guaranteed, for example, if the surgeon can demonstrate specialist training in aesthetic and plastic surgery and has specialized in facial surgery.

Eyelid correction specialists are also often members of societies like plastic surgery society. This is an indication of the quality of the doctor, because these societies place high demands on their members and quality criteria that have to be met. Just as important when choosing which doctor will operate on drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes is that he offers a detailed consultation in which he takes a lot of time for explanation, anamnesis, clarification of your wishes and ideas and answering all questions.

Eyelid Lift Blepharoplasty Cost in Turkey

The costs for a sagging eyelid or lacrimal sac operation are around 2000 euros per eyelid in Europe . Both interventions can also be combined, for which at least 4000 euros are incurred . The health insurance companies only cover the costs for an eyelid lift if there is a serious medical indication, such as the patient's vision is severely impaired by protruding eyelids.

The result of an eyelid lift lasts about eight to ten years . Blepharoplasty can then be repeated. The cost of a non-surgical eyelid lift varies widely. Eyelid tightening with the plasma pen is possible from around 300 euros per session . A wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid injections costs from 200 euros per injection and session. Prices for eyelid blepharoplasty surgeries and non surgical eyelid procedures are %70 cheaper in Turkey compared to Europe.

Eyelid Lift Blepharoplasty Cost in Turkey

Recovery After Blepharoplasty Surgery Eyelid Lift

Good aftercare is important for an eyelid lift blepharoplasty surgery to be successful. After the blepharoplasty surgery, patients should rest with their upper body slightly raised for about one to two hours under medical supervision in order to rule out possible complications and treat them directly. When the anesthetic wears off, you may experience slight pain in your eyelids. For the healing process after an eyelid lift, it is recommended to cool the eyelids regularly for up to two days with moist compresses, cold pads or glasses filled with gel so that swelling and bluish discoloration can subside quickly.

How long the swelling lasts after an upper or lower eyelid lift varies. It usually disappears after about two weeks , and then the patient is socially acceptable again. Immediately after the operation, it can be hidden by wearing dark glasses. The stitches are removed after about a week. After an eyelid lift, the scars are initially reddish, after about three to four months they should no longer be visible.

With a lower eyelid lift, scars can sometimes be dispensed with entirely: In the case of bags under the eyes without excess skin, which occurs primarily in younger patients, the surgeon removes the protruding fat pads through an incision in the conjunctival sac without leaving an external scar. After an eyelid lift, all patients should sleep on their back with their heads raised, avoid creams, make-up and contact lenses for up to ten days, avoid physical exertion for two weeks and avoid sports and sauna sessions for three to four weeks. Strong sunlight should be avoided for up to three months.

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