In an arm lift, surgeons change the shape of the arm. Here you can read which methods are available and what costs you will incur.
What is an arm lift?
During an
arm lift, surgeons remove flaps of skin and fatty tissue from the upper arm. Experts also speak of arm lifts as
brachioplasty. The excess skin can result from losing a lot of weight in a short period of time. Many people with obesity and congenital connective tissue weakness often suffer from it. Age also plays a role. The so-called sagging arms often form in older people because the skin sags with age. Especially women from the age of 40 are affected.
The sagging parts do not endanger health. But they can affect the looks. Many feel uncomfortable and unattractive with their "flabby" upper arms. You can improve the shape of your arms by doing sports (e.g. strength training) and eating healthily. But sometimes, despite the healthy lifestyle, the skin remains slack. If the level of suffering increases and social life is affected, it may make sense to have your arms tightened.

Which Doctor Performs Arm Lifts?
The right contact person for an arm lift is an
aesthetic plastic surgeon. Doctor should already have some experience with arm lifts. Your doctor will first advise you in detail. Your doctor asks, for example, how long you have been suffering from hamstrings, whether you exercise enough and eat healthily. The doctor also examines the affected areas of skin on the arms. In this way, your surgeon can assess whether an operation or another method for lifting the upper arm is an option.
Surgical Methods for Arm Lift
Surgeons have different methods to tighten upper arms. They usually perform surgery to remove excess tissue. The incision is usually made on the
lower side of the upper arm so that the scar is as little visible as possible later on.
Procedure and Duration of Arm Lift
There are different incision techniques for arm lifts. Which method the surgeon chooses depends on the size of the skin flap to be removed:
- For large skin pockets, surgeon makes a long, spindle-shaped incision between the armpit and the elbow.
- For smaller skin pockets, a crescent-shaped incision in the armpit is sufficient to remove the tissue.
- In some cases, a T-shaped or a hockey stick-shaped cut is needed.
The doctor then sews up the wound. Self-dissolving threads are usually used, which doctor does not have to remove later. The doctor also puts
compression sleeves on your upper arms. This tight bandage keeps the limbs from swelling and pain. Special compression clothing, such as a bolero, also supports wound healing.
The arm lift usually takes
one to two hours. You can have the skin flaps removed on an outpatient basis in a specialized practice or as an inpatient in a hospital. However, experts recommend staying in the clinic for
two to three days. In this way, doctors can detect and treat any complications in good time.
Can Arm Lift Combine With Other Operation?
In overweight patients, surgeons can
combine upper arm lift with liposuction. In young patients who only have large fat deposits and no skin flaps,
liposuction alone is also possible. The skin then contracts and the arm appears visibly firmer.
A combination with the so-called needling or with radio frequency waves is also possible:
- With needling, fine needles penetrate the skin. This causes minor injuries. The body then produces more collagen, a component of connective tissue. This tightens the upper arm.
- Radio frequency waves heat tissue and cause it to shrink. The upper arm then appears slimmer.
Arm Lift Without Surgery
Alternatively, there are some methods of upper arm lift without surgery. The result is a slimmer arm without scars. Some examples:
- Upper arm lift with laser: The doctor destroys fat cells in a targeted manner. Depending on the shape of the fabric and skin folds it uses different wavelengths. A sedative is usually sufficient for the laser treatment, general anesthesia is usually not necessary. However, the method only helps with slightly pronounced skin flaps on the arm. If large skin pockets have already formed, only classic surgery will bring a cosmetically satisfactory result. Before the laser treatment, you should try to reach your desired weight. If you subsequently lose weight, wrinkles can form again.
- Upper arm lift with thread lift: The doctor inserts thin, self-dissolving threads into the skin and connects the tissue. The upper arm then appears tighter. The method is considered gentle and doctors usually perform it under local anesthesia. The thread lift usually leaves no scars. However, the tightening effect is not permanent. After about two to three years, the tissue slackens again and you have to have the thread lift performed again.
Arm Lift Surgery Cost Turkey and Europe
The price for an arm lift varies from person to person. You have to reckon with
2,000 to 6,000 euros. The cost depends on what method the surgeon uses to treat the arms. For a non-surgical upper arm lift, such as a thread lift or laser, they are lower. For non surgical arm lift methods price is around
1,000 to 3,000 euros.
In the case of an arm lift by means of surgery, the costs are higher. The price depends on various factors, such as the length of stay in the hospital or possible follow-up treatments.
This is how the costs for an upper arm lift break down:
- Counseling and information session
- Preliminary investigations
- Anesthesia
- Surgery
- Overnight stays in the hospital
- Follow-up examinations
- Any follow-up treatments
An arm lift is one of the cosmetic surgeries. As a rule, such interventions are not medically necessary. Therefore you have to bear the costs yourself. The health insurance only covers the costs in individual cases, for example if:
- The flaps of skin have developed after a significant weight loss and you are suffering mentally as a result.
- The excess skin triggers chronic inflammation and the operation is therefore medically necessary.
Sometimes the health insurance companies contribute to the costs. Always ask your doctor beforehand how much you will be charged. And clarify the question of the assumption of costs with your health insurance company beforehand. Then you won't experience any nasty surprises afterwards.
After Arm Lift Surgery
A compression bandage on the arm after the operation and special compression clothing should prevent pain from developing. They also promote wound healing. About
two to three weeks after the arm lift, the doctor usually
removes the stitches - unless he has used self-dissolving material. Scars have already formed on the inside of the arms. If your surgeon is good, these are hardly visible to the eye. In addition,
scars fade over time and are hardly noticeable after about a year.
How long you will be ill after the arm lift varies from person to person and cannot be generally predicted. It depends on how quickly the wound heals and whether follow-up treatments are necessary.
- You can usually leave the hospital after a few days.
- You can go back to work after two weeks, as long as you are not doing any physically demanding work.
- Sport and physical activities should only be resumed four to six weeks after the operation.
- Until then, you should also refrain from smoking and going to the sauna or solarium.
Risks and Side Effects of Arm Lift
Compared to other surgical procedures, the arm lift is a relatively
safe operation with few complications. Nevertheless, some patients can suffer
slight complications after the operation. Some examples:
- The wound can bleed, become infected or heal poorly. Then the scar is sometimes more visible after an upper arm lift.
- Lymphatic fluid rarely accumulates and swellings form in the upper arm.
- In one to two out of 100 patients, a nerve is damaged during the procedure. This can result in numbness and tingling in the arm.