A completely toothless jaw quickly leads to active bone loss. The result is changes in the face and facial features. The quality of life also decreases, since removable dentures are often associated with wobbly dentures . Eating also becomes more difficult, since removable prostheses often wobble when chewing due to bone loss.
Thanks to All-on-6 / All-on-8, these problems are over: The treatment concepts enable you to have a permanently firm bite again. Painful pressure points and problems laughing and speaking, as with some removable prostheses, are a thing of the past. With the All-on-6 concept or the All-on-8 concept, fixed dentures are made possible with 6 or 8 implants in edentulous jaws.
What is All-on-6 in the lower jaw?
6 Implants today form the basis for new and permanently fixed dentures in the lower jaw. These implants placed by the implantologist guarantee you sufficient stability due to their special structure and offer promising aesthetic success with your new dentures. For removable dentures , on the other hand, 4 implants in the lower jaw are sufficient.
All-on-8 in the upper jaw - why two more implants?
The upper jaw and lower jaw differ in the structure of the bone. While the layering of the upper jaw appears looser under the microscope, the lower jaw is more compact. Since the more compact lower jaw provides better support for the dentures, fewer dental implants are usually required to support a restoration.
It has been shown that 8 implants in the upper jaw promise very good stability of your fixed dentures and good aesthetics. For removable dentures in the upper jaw, however, 6 implants are sufficient.
What are the conditions for All-on-6 / All-on-8 treatment?
Implants are tied to many basic conditions. Toothless jaws lead to a reduced load on the jawbone due to a lack of tensile and chewing forces. Since the bone is nourished by these forces and is supplied with blood, it regresses when there is no load: bone loss is the result. Bone loss with low bone height and narrow bone width is an unfavorable prerequisite for planned implantation. Therefore, a bone structure , also called augmentation, is necessary before an implantation . In the case of the upper jaw, for example, a sinus lift can be carried out to build up bone.
If there is sufficient bone for a dental implant, the implantation can begin.
All-on-6 / All-on-8: how does the treatment work?
Treatment step 1: The laboratory plans your dentures
With the all-on-6 or all-on-8 concept, the backward planning method, also known as backward planning, has proven to be beneficial. Here the laboratory plans the cheapest and best setup of the new fixed dentures for your edentulous jaw. The dentures made of plastic and idealized can be optimally adapted to your mouth and your situation. Fit, aesthetics, phonetics and functionality can be optimally checked here.
Treatment step 2: You try on the dentures
The optimal position of the implants to be placed can be precisely determined and planned on the basis of the dentures that have been tried on.
Treatment step 3: The drilling of the implants is planned
Transfer of the drilling planning of the implants into so-called drilling templates for the implantation surgery.
Treatment step 4: preparation of X-ray images
A 2D overview recording, also referred to as OP(T)G, and in special cases a 3D recording, also referred to as DVT, is made. These serve as surgical planning to check the position of the nerves, the condition of the bones and the exclusion of any bone defects. This reduces unwanted surgical complications during implant surgery by the implantologist.
Treatment step 5: The implants are anchored in the jaw
With the aid of the previously created drilling template, the implants are anchored precisely in your jawbone at your surgical appointment. The surgical template allows for a high degree of precision in ensuring the positioning of your new implants.
Treatment step 6: The dentures are anchored on the implants
Once the implants have healed successfully, the dentures made at the beginning can be tried on the implants. If the shape, color and fit are correct, your treating dentist will definitely anchor your new dentures. Toothless jaws are a thing of the past.
Treatment step 7: Exemplary oral hygiene is required
In order to be able to guarantee a firm bite and beautiful teeth for as long as possible, your oral hygiene and regular check-ups at the dentist form the basis, as in all other areas.
All On Six and All On Eight Implant Prices in Turkey
The costs for All-on-6 or All-on-8 are not insignificant. With an all-in-supply, the costs also depend on whether you need a tooth supply for the upper and lower jaw. We know that the costs of a full denture in this form are certainly not cheap. But you get a full denture that leaves nothing to be desired in terms of aesthetics and wearing comfort and saves you a lot of problems with eating, talking and laughing. We would be happy to make you a personal offer that lists all costs. All on six and all on eight implants in Turkey costs %70 cheaper compared to dental implant prices in European countries.
We would be happy to inform you personally about your treatment plan and options. Let our dentists advise you by contacting us.