It is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of patients from birth to the age of 18. Diseases of interest in this branch have a wide spectrum. Therefore, specific sub-branches have been derived for each disease group for pediatric diseases.
It deals with diseases related to the hormones secreted by the endocrine glands.
It is the branch of diagnosis and treatment of liver, stomach and intestinal diseases.
Hematology, which means blood diseases, is the branch of medicine that deals with the function and structure of blood and bone marrow. Bone Marrow transplantation is also performed by the specialists of this department.
Neurological Development Problems
Organic Brain Diseases
Situations that Cause a Change in Consciousness
Problems Developing During Pregnancy or Birth
Weaknesses and Imbalances
Behavioral Disorders
Genetic and Metabolic Issues
It is the branch that diagnoses, treats and monitors congenital (congenital) and acquired (afterward) heart diseases seen in childhood.